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Requirements for article design

The submitted material must be original, not previously published in other printed publications. The level of originality should be at least 80%, including citations. The manuscript is provided in Russian, with the title of the article, basic information about each author (surname, initials, position, place of work, academic degree, city, e-mail address) indicated in Russian and English. An abstract of 100 to 150 words and keywords are given in Russian and English. The article must contain the UDC code.

The text must be typed in A4 format with one and a half line spacing (typeface Times New Roman), size 14 pt; document margins - 2 cm each. The file with the text of the article should be named after the author's surname (for example: Ivanov.doc).

At the end of the article, a bibliographic list is given in alphabetical order or in the order of mention. It must be issued in accordance with GOS R 7.0.5.-2008. The bibliographic list should be limited to the sources used in the article. When mentioning or citing in the text, the number of the source in the bibliographic list and (if necessary) the page number must be given in square brackets. For example: [7] or [7, p. 114]. The bibliographic list is duplicated in English.

Graphic material (drawings, graphs, diagrams) must be made in graphic editors that support vector or raster graphics. Illustrations must be black and white, clear, solid, all captions in the figure must be well read and deciphered. If the text contains a photograph, a scanned drawing, then they must be submitted as a separate file in the original graphic format (for example, jpeg, tiff).

Mathematical formulas must be typed in MS Equation 3.0 editor.

The article is submitted to the editorial office in electronic form in the formats .doc, .docx.

The total volume of the article (including the abstract, keywords, bibliographic list, information about the authors in Russian and English) should be from 18,000 to 40,000 characters (from 10 to 20 pages, subject to the formatting requirements).